coming soon

OUR app for sober and sober curious women IS coming soon…

Thrive Alcohol Free

Be the first to know when we launch our brand new app. Coming in Spring 2024.

The Uncovery App is everything you need to take the steps into alcohol-free living.

If you are looking to make a change, you actually already have – that’s the good news. The better news is - with the The Uncovery App you will have a safe place to experience the joyful, vibrant, fulfilling life you crave, know you deserve and that more and more women worldwide are discovering! 

Deep Dive Masterclasses

Private & safe community

Group coaching support

The "Uncovery Approach" for women overcoming overdrinking entails self-awareness, mindfulness, and aligning actions with core values to break habits and live a balanced, alcohol-free life with intention.

I’m Lindsay, the Uncovery Coach

As Seen In:

An alcohol-free lifestyle comes with many emotional and health benefits. Whether you want an action plan to live alcohol-free, are looking to connect with other like-minded women or looking to learn more, The Uncovery App will provide you with information you need in a safe community with expert guidance to take your first step of alcohol-free living. 

Curious on living alcohol-free or looking for community as you navigate yours?


The Uncovery App

3. Gain valuable insights into the profound impact that aligning your values and principles can have on your life and the lives of people around you
4. Equip you with practical strategies for seamlessly integrating your newfound values and principles into your daily life, empowering you to live the life you were truly meant to lead.
You will find all this within a platform dedicated to fostering inclusivity, education, joy, and support while diminishing feelings of shame, guilt, loneliness or regret.

The Uncovery Masterclass on Core Values and Principles is crucial for navigating alcohol-free living. It empowers us to build the life we want to step into, now that we have the clarity that living without alcohol brings. In this masterclass, you will:
1. Dive into the distinction between core values and principles, helping you gain a clear understanding of these fundamental concepts.

2. Uncover and identify your unique set, illuminating the path towards authentic living.

Discover Our Deep Dive Masterclasses IN

The Three Pillars of Uncovery Approach

Get community support led by Lindsay in the company of other women who ‘get you’. Here you will know you’re not alone, you will inspire others and others will empower you as you move towards alcohol free living. This space will build community, self awareness, compassion, camaraderie and a genuine sense of belonging and empowerment.



Forge life-lasting bonds with members who are on the journey to alcohol free living. You’ll share ideas, offer support and become accountability partners too, if you want. We’ll tackle the bigger conversations like being social without wine, how to navigate changing social circles, how to stop drinking to numb out from our lives, what to do when we stop but our partners don’t, how to find a meaningful life beyond what we thought was possible for ourselves and so much more. 


Access group coaching through weekly support conversations around navigating the path towards an alcohol-free lifestyle, the information shared within the app. Work in small groups of 4-5 women directly led by Lindsay. Ask questions about your experience to Lindsay who will provide insights to help you and other women in situations like yours thrive. 




The Uncovery Method

Sober Curious


Alcohol Free Living

Lindsay, the founder and creator behind The Uncovery App is a certified Life and Success Coach, also standing as the visionary Founder of SHE WALKS CANADA, a global movement that supports women on their journey away from problematic drinking through both physical and metaphorical means.

Having triumphed over her own challenges with problematic drinking through unconventional pathways, Lindsay is celebrated as a distinguished leader in the alcohol-free community and a trusted voice in digital and print media discussions concerning women and problematic drinking. Her unwavering mission is to revolutionize the dialogue surrounding women and problematic drinking, unlocking doors to support avenues that lead to lives filled with joy, presence, and vibrant health, all without the burden of alcohol.

About Lindsay


Yes, you will be billed monthly so if you would like to cancel, please make sure you cancel your subscription before your next billing date so your subscription does not renew.

Will I be able to cancel anytime?

The community will be hosted in a private and safe space within The Uncovery App. You will be able to access the resources and the community 24/7 via your smartphone. 

Where is the community hosted?

Founded by Lindsay Sutherland Boal, The Uncovery Method is a guided, trusted, three phase process navigating through sober curiosity, sobriety and alcohol free living delivered through community, coaching and connection.

What is The Uncovery Method?

Designed by someone who walks the walk and talks the talk of the alcohol-free journey, you’ll get expertly curated resources and group coaching to support you along each step of your journey.

How will The Uncovery App support me to live alcohol-free?

We're live soon...


You don’t have to figure out the alcohol-free lifestyle journey alone. Experience the power of an alcohol-free community and be one of the women who learn to thrive in their freedom of choice with The Uncovery App.